MPPS Spring 2012 data tables
Summary tables for questionnaire items from the Spring 2012 Wave of the MPPS Broken down by jurisdiction type, population size, and region of the state:
Fiscal Health
Changes from the Last Fiscal Year to the Current Fiscal Year
- Change in jurisdiction's revenue from property taxes
- Change in jurisdiction's revenue from fees for services, licenses, transfers, etc.
- Change in amount of jurisdiction's amount of debt
- Change in jurisdiction's ability to repay its debt
- Change in amount of federal aid to jurisdiction
- Change in amount of state aid to jurisdiction
- Change in jurisdiction's tax delinquencies
- Change in jurisdiction's population
- Change in jurisdiction's amount of home foreclosures
- Change in jurisdiction's public safety needs
- Change in jurisdiction's infrastructure needs
- Change in jurisdiction's human service needs
- Change in jurisdiction's number of employees
- Change in jurisdiction's pay rates for employee wages and salaries
- Change in jurisdiction's cost of employee pensions
- Change in jurisdiction's cost of current employee health benefits
- Change in jurisdiction's cost of retired employee health benefits
Expected Changes from the Current Fiscal Year to the Next Fiscal Year
- Projected change in property tax rates
- Projected change in charges for fees, licenses, etc.
- Projected change in reliance on general fund balance
- Projected change in reliance on "rainy day" funds
- Projected change in amount of services provided
- Projected change in actual public safety spending
- Projected change in actual infrastructure spending
- Projected change in actual human services spending
- Projected change in funding for economic development programs
- Projected change in amount of debt
- Projected change in sale of public assets
- Projected change in privatizing or contracting out services
- Projected change in number and/or scope of interlocal agreements or other cost-sharing plans with other governments
- Projected change in jurisdiction's workforce hiring
- Projected change in jurisdiction's workforce layoffs
- Projected change in jurisdiction's filling vacant positions
- Projected change in jurisdiction's employee pay rates
- Projected change in jurisdiction's employees' share of premiums, deductibles and/or co-pays on health insurance
- Projected change in jurisdiction's employees' share of contributions to retirement funds
- Projected change in jurisdiction's retirees' share of premiums, deductibles and/or co-pays on health insurance
Employee wages and benefits
- Jurisdiction offers retirement income benefits to new hires
- Jurisdiction offers retirement income benefits to current employees
- Jurisdiction offers retirement income benefits to retired employees
- Jurisdiction offers retirement income benefits to current elected officials
- Jurisdiction offers retirement income benefits to former elected officials
- Likelihood jurisdiction will introduce a defined contribution or hybrid plan in the next 12 months
- Jurisdiction offers health care or other retirement benefits to new hires
- Jurisdiction offers health care or other retirement benefits to current employees
- Jurisdiction offers health care or other retirement benefits to retired employees
- Jurisdiction offers health care or other retirement benefits to current elected officials
- Jurisdiction offers health care or other retirement benefits to former elected officials
Union Negotiations
Furloughs and Four-day work weeks
- Jurisdiction has employees who are members of a labor union
- Jurisdiction has negotiated with unions in last 12 months
- Satisfaction with outcomes of negotiations with employee union(s)
- Likelihood that jurisdiction will seek concessions in next 12 months
- Jurisdiction’s union(s) have been an asset or liability to fiscal health in last 12 months
- Jurisdiction’s union(s) have been an asset or liability to overall performance in last 12 months
- Assessment of relationship between jurisdiction and its union(s)
- Likelihood that jurisdiction will utilize employee furloughs next year
- Likelihood that jurisdiction will utilize a four-day work week next year
- Likelihood that jurisdiction will utilize early retirement incentives or buyouts next year
- Likelihood that jurisdiction will reduce pay rates and/or benefits packages for new hires next year
Elimination of services
Budgeting processes
- Jurisdiction uses multi-year financial projections
- Jurisdiction does formal single year or multi-year budgeting
- Likelihood that jurisdiction will adopt formal multi-year budgeting next year
General Fund Balances
- Jurisdiction’s unreserved general fund balance as a percentage of general fund expenditures last year
- Assessment of level of jurisdiction’s unreserved general fund balance
- Jurisdiction’s cash flow as a fiscal health problem
Service Provision
- Citizen preference between higher taxes and cuts to police services
- Citizen preference between higher taxes and cuts to fire services
- Citizen preference between higher taxes and cuts to parks/recreation/libraries
- Citizen preference between higher taxes and cuts to roads
- Citizen preference between higher taxes and cuts to public transportation/transit
- Citizen preference between higher taxes and cuts to economic development
- Citizen preference between higher taxes and cuts to utilities
- Citizen preference between higher taxes and cuts to general operations
Local Government Funding
- Does the current system for funding local government need significant reform
- Importance of reforms to constitutional revenue sharing
- Importance of reforms to the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP)
- Importance of reforms to the Headlee Amendment
- Importance of reforms to Proposal A
- Importance of reforms to the Personal Property Tax (PPT)
- Importance of reforms to the sales tax
- Importance of reforms to the gas tax
- Importance of reforms to local income tax
- Importance of reforms to regional taxation
Personal Property Tax (PPT)
- Jurisdiction receives revenue from the Personal Property Tax (PPT)
- Agree or disagree that the PPT is difficult to administer
- Agree or disagree that revenue from PPT is not worth the costs to administer
- Agree or disagree that taxpayers accurately report taxable value
- Agree or disagree that personal property is audited frequently enough
- Agree or disagree that the PPT is a barrier to economic development
- Agree or disagree that would support PPT elimination contingent on full replacement
- Agree or disagree that would support PPT elimination contingent on majority replacement
- Agree or disagree that would trust state to follow through with future commitments to replace revenue
- Agree or disagree that the PPT is an important source of revenue
- PPT replacement revenue collection
Emergency Manager (EM) Law
- Familiarity with Emergency Managers legislation
- Effectiveness of Emergency Managers legislation for protecting jurisdictions’ fiscal health
- Support or opposition to allowing an Emergency Manager (EM) to reject, modify, or terminate collective bargaining agreements
- Support or opposition to allowing an Emergency Manager (EM) to set aside decision-making powers of local elected officials
- Support or opposition to allowing an Emergency Manager (EM) to recommend (with approval of the state) the sale, transfer, or lease of the local jurisdiction's assets
- Support or opposition to allowing an Emergency Manager (EM) to recommend (with approval of the state) collaboration or consolidation with other jurisdictions, or disincorporation of the local jurisdiction
- Support or opposition to allowing a current local official, such as a mayor or council member, to be appointed as an Emergency Manager (EM)
- Support or opposition to the Emergency Manager law (P.A.4 of 2011) overall
K-12 Schooling
Evaluating current events and political issues
- Impact on local K-12 academic achievement by charter schools
- Impact on local K-12 academic achievement by the Michigan Merit Curriculum
- Impact on local K-12 academic achievement by teacher evaluation
- Impact on local K-12 academic achievement by virtual learning
- Impact on local K-12 academic achievement by No Child Left Behind
- Impact on local K-12 academic achievement by another school accountability system
- Familiarity with requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum
- State of Michigan going in right direction or on wrong track
- Jurisdiction going in right direction or on wrong track
- Governor Snyder’s job performance
- Michigan Legislature’s job performance
- Jurisdiction’s board or council’s job performance