MPPS Spring 2019 data tables

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Summary tables for questionnaire items from the Spring 2019 Wave of the MPPS broken down by jurisdiction type, population size, and region of the state are accessible below.


Community's most important problem

  1. Confidence that significant progress will be made in addressing most important problem in the next five years
    1. Role of jurisdiction's government in solving its most important problem
    2. Role of Michigan's state government in solving the jurisdiction's most important problem
    3. Role of the federal government in solving the jurisdiction's most important problem
    4. Role of jurisdiction's residents in solving its most important problem
    5. Role of jurisdiction's business community in solving its most important problem
    6. Role of nonprofit organizations, charities, and/or religious groups in solving the jurisdiction's most important problem

Fiscal Health

  1. Good or Bad Times in the coming year?
    1. Better or Less Able to meet jurisdiction's needs this fiscal year than last
    2. Better or Less Able to meet jurisdiction's needs next fiscal year than this

Changes from the Last Fiscal Year to the Current Fiscal Year

    1. Change in jurisdiction's revenue from property taxes
    2. Change in jurisdiction's amount of debt
    3. Change in jurisdiction's ability to repay its debt
    4. Change in amount of state aid to jurisdiction
    5. Change in jurisdiction's tax delinquencies
    6. Change in jurisdiction's public safety needs
    7. Change in jurisdiction's infrastructure needs
    8. Change in jurisdiction's human service needs
    9. Change in jurisdiction's general government operations needs
    10. Change in jurisdiction's number of employees
    11. Change in jurisdiction's cost of government's current employee health benefits
    12. Change in jurisdiction's cost of government's employee pensions
    13. Change in jurisdiction's cost of government's retired employee health benefits

Expected Changes from the Current Fiscal Year to the Next Fiscal Year

    1. Projected change in property tax rates
    2. Projected change in reliance on general fund balance
    3. Projected change in amount of services provided
    4. Projected change in public safety spending
    5. Projected change in infrastructure spending
    6. Projected change in human services spending
    7. Projected change in general government operations spending
    8. Projected change in amount of debt
    9. Projected change in privatizing or contracting out services
    10. Projected change in number and/or scope of interlocal agreements or other service-sharing plans with other governments
    11. Projected change in jurisdiction's number of employees
    12. Projected change in employee pay rates
    13. Projected change in employees' share of premiums, deductibles, and/or co-pays on health insurance
    14. Projected change in employees' share of contributions to retirement funds
    15. Projected change in retirees' share of premiums, deductibles, and/or co-pays on health insurance

Service Provision

    1. Resident satisfaction with services provided by jurisdiction
    2. Respondent's satisfaction with services provided by jurisdiction

General Fund Balances

  1. Jurisdiction's unreserved general fund balance as a percentage of general fund expenditures last year
  2. Assessment of level of jurisdiction's unreserved general fund balance
  3. Jurisdiction's cash flow as a fiscal health problem
    1. Jurisdiction's overall fiscal health today
    2. Jurisdiction's overall fiscal health five years from now

Preparedness for the next economic recession

  1. Jurisdiction's current fiscal health today compared to before the Great Recession
  2. Whether jurisdiction has taken specific actions to prepare for the next economic recession
  3. Respondent's best guess when next economic recession will start
    1. Concern about potential impact of next recession on jurisdiction's service provision
    2. Concern about potential impact of next recession on jurisdiction's general government operations
  4. Jurisdiction's preparedness to deal with the next economic recession

Problems with opioids

    1. Extent there are problems with opioids in jurisdiction
    2. Extent there are problems with opioids in other jurisdictions nearby
  1. Change in problems with opioids in jurisdiction in past five years
    1. Additional burden from problems with opioids on law enforcement
    2. Additional burden from problems with opioids on jail operations
    3. Additional burden from problems with opioids on EMS
    4. Additional burden from problems with opioids on health services
    5. Additional burden from problems with opioids on social services
    1. No one currently addressing opioid issues in jurisdiction
    2. Jurisdiction's own government is addressing opioid issues in jurisdiction
    3. County government is addressing opioid issues in jurisdiction
    4. State of Michigan is addressing opioid issues in jurisdiction
    5. Hospitals or other health care providers addressing opioid issues in jurisdiction
    6. Private/non-profit human service providers addressing opioid issues in jurisdiction
    7. Local K-12 schools addressing opioid issues in jurisdiction
    8. Don't know who is addressing opioid issues in jurisdiction

Energy efficiency in government facilities

    1. Jurisdiction's adoption of policies for improving energy efficiency in local government facilities
    2. Jurisdiction's adoption of policies for changing work practices to be greener
    3. Jurisdiction's adoption of energy programs targeted at residents
    4. Jurisdiction's adoption of energy programs targeted at local businesses
    5. Jurisdiction's adoption of policies for developing or purchasing alternative energy sources
  1. Likelihood jurisdiction will take new actions to improve energy efficiency in government facilities
    1. Jurisdiction's facilities do not currently need energy efficiency improvements
    2. Jurisdiction's governing board feels energy efficiency improvements are not a priority
    3. Not worth financial investment to adopt energy efficiency improvements
    4. Jurisdiction lacks up-front capital to adopt energy efficiency improvements
    5. Jurisdiction doesn't know where to go for help to adopt energy efficiency improvements
    6. Jurisdiction doesn't have time or staff capacity to adopt energy efficiency improvements
    7. Jurisdiction might adopt energy efficiency improvements, but not in the next two years
    8. Jurisdiction has had or heard of bad experiences with energy contractors or consultants
    1. Jurisdiction is unlikely to make use of any resources from the State of Michigan
    2. Jurisdiction would take advantage of low-cost financing option for energy efficiency improvements from the State of Michigan
    3. Jurisdiction would take advantage of funding for energy audits from the State of Michigan
    4. Jurisdiction would take advantage of funding for pilot or demonstration projects from the State of Michigan
    5. Jurisdiction would take advantage of workshops or training sessions from the State of Michigan
    6. Jurisdiction would take advantage of a help desk to call for advice on funding or planning improvements from the State of Michigan
    7. Jurisdiction would take advantage of a comprehensive web portal with information on funding or planning for improvements from the State of Michigan

Energy Planning

    1. Extent jurisdiction engages in planning for energy efficiency
    2. Extent jurisdiction engages in planning for renewable energy
    1. Jurisdiction's government has discussed rooftop/small-scale solar installations in the community
    2. Jurisdiction's government has discussed utility-scale solar installations in the community
    3. Jurisdiction's government has discussed utility-scale wind turbines or windfarms
    4. Jurisdiction's government has discussed electric vehicle charging sites
    5. Jurisdiction's government has discussed energy efficiency and/or renewable energy in jurisdiction's zoning
    6. Jurisdiction's government has discussed energy efficiency requirements in building codes
    7. Jurisdiction's government has discussed energy affordability for low-income residents
    8. Jurisdiction's government hasn't discussed these energy issues
    1. Trust in the electric utility that services jurisdiction to provide information on local energy programs or policies
    2. Trust in the Michigan Energy Office to provide information on local energy programs or policies
    3. Trust in a college or university to provide information on local energy programs or policies
    4. Trust in local government state associations to provide information on local energy programs or policies
    5. Trust in regional planning organizations to provide information on local energy programs or policies
    6. Trust in nonprofits dedicated to energy issues to provide information on local energy programs or policies
    7. Trust in private energy contractors or consultants to provide information on local energy programs or policies
  1. Agree or disagree that promoting environmental sustainability and the concept of "being green" are important aspects of local government leadership

2020 US Census

    1. Jurisdiction is not planning any actions related to the 2020 US Census
    2. Jurisdiction is planning to run or participate in a "Complete Count Committee"
    3. Jurisdiction is planning direct communications to residents about the 2020 US Census
    4. Jurisdiction is collaborating with other organizations about the 2020 US Census
    5. Jurisdiction is providing space in local facilities for Census workers or training activities
    6. Jurisdiction is providing or facilitating kiosks, laptop stations, etc. for residents without good internet access for the 2020 US Census
    7. Jurisdiction is working to boost the number of local residents who work as Census Enumerators
    8. Don't know if jurisdiction is planning any actions related to the 2020 US Census

Census Count and Accuracy

    1. Jurisdiction is concerned elderly residents may be hard to count
    2. Jurisdiction is concerned children under the age of five may be hard to count
    3. Jurisdiction is concerned people with limited English proficiency may be hard to count
    4. Jurisdiction is concerned non-home owners may be hard to count
    5. Jurisdiction is concerned non-citizens may be hard to count
    6. Jurisdiction is concerned residents living in poverty may be hard to count
    7. Jurisdiction is concerned residents with no/little internet access may be hard to count
    8. Jurisdiction is concerned residents with a secondary home may be hard to count
    9. Don't know what groups of residents within jurisdiction may be hard to count
    1. Confidence there will be an accurate 2020 Census count in jurisdiction
    2. Confidence there will be an accurate 2020 Census count statewide in Michigan

Evaluating current events and political issues

  1. United States going in right direction or on wrong track
  2. State of Michigan going in right direction or on wrong track
  3. Governor Whitmer's job performance
  4. Michigan Legislature's job performance
  5. President Trump's job performance
  6. U.S. Congress's job performance

Rural or Urban Jurisdiction

  1. Is jurisdiction rural, urban, or somewhere in between


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