Research and Engagement
Applied research in service to better state and local policymaking
View all research projects
Research is at the core of CLOSUP's mission. We believe research about and with state and local governments can inform policy on key issues and helps strengthen our democracy’s foundation at its grassroots.
We leverage the deep knowledge across the University of Michigan to foster and occasionally sponsor new research projects.
Then we bring that knowledge to bear, to help drive positive change in communities.
The COVID-19 crisis, combined with the ongoing municipal funding challenges in Michigan, will require an even greater effort on behalf of local officials and administrators to quickly assess resources, respond to changing policies and legislation, and develop the tools and insights to maintain sustainable operations and budgets.”

Energy and the environment
Sarah Mills work featured on This is Michigan
With bias and misinformation swirling around the consequences of wind turbine installation, local government officials are hard-pressed to find...
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Past research projects
Since 2001, CLOSUP has been home to a multitude of research projects. Previous major projects include the National Surveys on Energy and Environment (ongoing at Muhlenberg College), the CLOSUP Fracking Project, the Education Policy Initiative (now a stand-alone initiative within the Ford School), and CLOSUP’s grants programs, which sponsored more than 50 research projects at the University of Michigan.
All past projects
Energy and environment
National Surveys on Energy and Environment (NSEE)
Energy and environment
CLOSUP Fracking Project
Education Policy Initiative (EPI) at CLOSUP
Policy Engagement
Where Do We Go From Here Conference
Research Funding
Policy Research Grants
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