MPPS Spring 2015 data tables
Summary tables for questionnaire items from the Spring 2015 Wave of the MPPS Broken down by jurisdiction type, population size, and region of the state:
Fiscal Health
Changes from the Last Fiscal Year to the Current Fiscal Year
- Change in jurisdiction's revenue from property taxes
- Change in jurisdiction's revenue from fees for services, licenses, transfers, etc.
- Change in jurisdiction's amount of debt
- Change in jurisdiction's ability to repay its debt
- Change in amount of federal aid to jurisdiction
- Change in amount of state aid to jurisdiction
- Change in jurisdiction's tax delinquencies
- Change in jurisdiction's amount of home foreclosures
- Change in jurisdiction's population
- Change in jurisdiction's public safety needs
- Change in jurisdiction's infrastructure needs
- Change in jurisdiction's human service needs
- Change in jurisdiction's general government operations needs
- Change in jurisdiction's number of employees
- Change in pay rates for jurisdiction's employee wages and salaries
- Change in jurisdiction's cost of government's employee pensions
- Change in jurisdiction's cost of government's current employee health benefits
- Change in jurisdiction's cost of government's retired employee health benefits
Expected Changes from the Current Fiscal Year to the Next Fiscal Year
- Projected change in property tax rates
- Projected change in charges for fees, licenses, etc.
- Projected change in reliance on general fund balance
- Projected change in reliance on “rainy day” funds
- Projected change in amount of services provided
- Projected change in actual public safety spending
- Projected change in actual infrastructure spending
- Projected change in actual human services spending
- Projected change in actual general government operations spending
- Projected change in funding for economic development programs
- Projected change in amount of debt
- Projected change in sale of public assets
- Projected change in privatizing or contracting out services
- Projected change in number and/or scope of interlocal agreements or other cost-sharing plans with other governments
- Projected change in jurisdiction's workforce hiring
- Projected change in jurisdiction's workforce layoffs
- Projected change in jurisdiction's filling vacant positions
- Projected change in employee pay rates
- Projected change in employees' share of premiums, deductibles, and/or co-pays on health insurance
- Projected change in employees' share of contributions to retirement funds
- Projected change in retirees' share of premiums, deductibles, and/or co-pays on health insurance
Budgeting Process
General Fund Balances
- Jurisdiction’s unreserved general fund balance as a percentage of general fund expenditures last year
- Assessment of level of jurisdiction’s unreserved general fund balance
- Jurisdiction’s cash flow as a fiscal health problem
Preferred Use of a Potential Surplus
Preferred Response to a Potential Deficit
Retirement Income Benefits
- Jurisdiction provides retirement income benefits
- Type of retirement income benefits offered to new hires
- Type of retirement income benefits offered to current employees
- Type of retirement income benefits offered to retired employees
- Type of retirement income benefits offered to current elected officials
- Type of retirement income benefits offered to former elected officials
- Generosity of retirement income benefits offered to new hires
- Generosity of retirement income benefits offered to current employees
- Generosity of retirement income benefits offered to retired employees
- Generosity of retirement income benefits offered to current elected officials
- Generosity of retirement income benefits offered to former elected officials
- Jurisdiction has had actuarial valuation of pension
- Jurisdiction has increased years required for benefits
- Jurisdiction has increased employee contribution
- Jurisdiction has reduced multiplier for pension
- Jurisdiction has changed cost of living adjustment (COLA)
- Jurisdiction has reduced assumed rate of return
- Jurisdiction has closed defined benefit pension to new individuals
- Jurisdiction has converted to defined contribution plan
- Jurisdiction has converted to a hybrid plan
- Jurisdiction has financed liability through bonds
- Effectiveness of jurisdiction’s efforts to control costs
- Jurisdiction’s contributions to pension fund in previous year
- Are jurisdiction’s pension obligations fully funded?
- Jurisdiction’s pension obligations as a fiscal health problem
- Concern for inability of jurisdiction to fulfill pension obligations
Retirement Health Care Benefits
- Jurisdiction provides retirement health care benefits
- Jurisdiction provides retiree health care benefits to new hires
- Jurisdiction provides retiree health care benefits to current employees
- Jurisdiction provides retiree health care benefits to retired employees
- Jurisdiction provides retiree health care benefits to current elected officials
- Jurisdiction provides retiree health care benefits to former elected officials
- Generosity of retiree health care benefits offered to new hires
- Generosity of retiree health care benefits offered to current employees
- Generosity of retiree health care benefits offered to retired employees
- Generosity of retiree health care benefits offered to current elected officials
- Generosity of retiree health care benefits offered to former elected officials
- Jurisdiction has had actuarial study
- Jurisdiction has increased cost-sharing by retirees
- Jurisdiction has increased years required for benefits
- Jurisdiction has changed benefits for spouses or dependents
- Jurisdiction has introduced less expensive plans
- Jurisdiction has implemented a wellness plan
- Jurisdiction has changed to defined contribution or stipend
- Jurisdiction has introduced retirement health savings accounts (HSA)
- Jurisdiction has financed liability through bonds
- Jurisdiction has joined a health care trust
- Jurisdiction has transferred management to a Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA)
- Effectiveness of jurisdiction’s efforts to control costs
- Status of jurisdiction’s use of public health care exchanges
- Jurisdiction’s contributions to retiree health care fund in previous year
- Are jurisdiction’s retiree health care obligations fully funded?
- Jurisdiction’s retiree health care obligations as a fiscal health problem
- Concern for inability of jurisdiction to fulfill retiree health care obligations
- Support or oppose state prohibiting jurisdictions from providing retiree health care benefits
- Support or oppose state setting hard caps on jurisdiction contributions to retiree health care
- Support or oppose creating a state-wide Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) or assist jurisdictions in creating VEBAs
- Support or oppose creating a state-pooled retiree health care benefit system
- Support or oppose creation of private health care exchanges for local governments
- Support or oppose creating state-wide bonding pool for retiree health care benefits
- Support or oppose easing credit rating-based restrictions on bond issuance