Spring 2018 Michigan Public Policy Survey Homepage
The Spring 2018 Michigan Public Policy Survey
- Topics:
- Annual tracking items for fiscal, budget, operation policies; community poverty; local government relationships; medical marijuana; job approval evaluations for Governor, Michigan Legislature, President, and U.S. Congress; right direction vs. wrong track for own jurisdiction, state, and country
- Methodology:
- This survey ran from April 9 to June 8, 2018 and received responses from 74% of jurisdictions.
- Survey questionnaire
- Pre-run data tables
- Publications:
- Rising confidence in Michigan’s direction among local leaders, but partisan differences remain
- Michigan local government leaders’ views on medical and recreational marijuana
- Despite sustained economic growth, Michigan local government fiscal health still lags
- The state of community civic discourse, according to Michigan’s local government leaders
- Community poverty and the struggle to make ends meet in Michigan, according to local government leaders
- Positive working relationships reported among Michigan’s local elected officials
- Presentations:
- 2018 July – MSU Extension Current Issues Affecting Michigan Local Governments Webinar Series – Local officials’ assessments about Michigan’s current direction and state government performance
- 2018 August – Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) Annual Conference – Local officials’ assessments of Michigan’s current direction and state government performance
- 2018 October – MPPS Webinar: Michigan local government leaders' views on marijuana policy
- 2018 December – Michigan Department of Treasury – Fiscal Health Insights from the Michigan Public Policy Survey
- 2019 April – Michigan Townships Association (MTA) Annual Conference – Examining Board Relations: Township Officials’ Views from the Michigan Public Policy Survey 2018
Input on questionnaire design for the Spring 2018 MPPS was provided by the following people:
- Lorray Brown, Michigan Poverty Law Program
- Robert Bruner, Michigan Municipal Services Authority
- Jennifer Erb-Downward, Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan
- Luke Forrest, Michigan Municipal League
- David Harns, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
- Eric Lupher, Citizens Research Council of Michigan
- Derek Melot, Michigan Assocation of Counties
- Larry Merrill, Michigan Townships Association
- Wendy K. Walker, Michigan State University Extension
- Julia Weinert, Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan
The final questionnaire design reflects decisions made by the CLOSUP MPPS staff, which may not represent the views of advisory committee members or others who pro