Michigan Local Recycling Policy Project (MiLRePP)
The Michigan Local Recycling Policy Program (MiLRePP), conducted by CLOSUP on behalf of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is a stakeholder engagement program to understand Michigan communities' service provision, challenges, and needs regarding local recycling, through surveys of local government leaders and Michigan residents.

Funding partners
Funding to-date for the Michigan Local Recycling Policy Project (MiLRePP) has been provided by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).
Fall 2021 Local Government Survey:
The MiLRePP Fall 2021 survey of local government officials was conducted by CLOSUP on behalf of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). The survey was designed to gather leaders’ insights about their communities’ challenges and needs regarding local recycling in Michigan,
The survey covered a variety of issues related to materials management, waste collection, and recycling, including: local funding structures and recycling policies (or lack thereof), community member support for or opposition to recycling, perceptions of costs and barriers, resources needed to advance community recycling, and more.
The Fall 2021 MiLRePP was a special wave of CLOSUP’s ongoing Michigan Public Policy Survey.
Surveys were sent by the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) via the internet and hardcopy to top elected and appointed officials (including county administrators and board chairs; city mayors and managers; village presidents, clerks, and managers; and township supervisors, clerks, and managers) from all 83 counties, 280 cities, 253 villages, and 1,240 townships in the state of Michigan.
The survey was launched on October 4, 2021 and closed on December 6, 2021.
Survey Questionnare:
View the hardcopy survey questionnaire
Survey Results
- Data tables
- Publications
Input on Fall 2021 questionnaire design was provided by the following people:
Chad Rogers, EGLE
Elizabeth Garver, EGLE
Jeff Spencer, EGLE
Charlie Money, EGLE
Summer Minnick, Michigan Municipal League
Mike Shelden, Michigan Townships Association
Derek Melot, Michigan Association of Counties
Kerrin O'Brien, Michigan Recycling Coalition
Jim Frey, Resource Recycling Systems (RRS)
Matt Naud, Resource Recycling Systems (RRS)
Anna Lynott, Resource Recycling Systems (RRS)
Spring 2023 Michigan Resident Survey:
The MiLRePP survey of Michigan residents was conducted by the Michigan State University Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR) in their Spring 2023 State of the State Survey (SOSS). The resident survey was designed to gather Michigan residents' access to recycling services and opinions on a variety of issues related to recycling, and to compare resident opinions to those of local government officials.
The Spring 2023 MiLRePP survey of Michigan residents was conducted as part of the 87th wave of IPPSR's ongoing State of the State Survey. The Spring 2023 wave was conducted between March 6 - March 27 2023, and received a 26.5% response rate. For more details on methodology, see the SOSS website.
Survey Results:
Results of the MiLRePP survey of Michigan residents are available in the form of pre-run data tables.
Local Government Resident Survey Template:
CLOSUP also developed a survey template that Michigan's local governments can use to survey their own residents about recycling issues. The template includes a brief guide to conducting surveys, and then provides a modular set of survey questions that local governments can use to develop a survey that fits their community's needs. More information on this template will be provided on this page in the near future.
Looking for More?
If you have any questions about the project, please contact CLOSUP at 734-647-4091 or by email to [email protected]. For resources on local recycling issues in Michigan, visit the Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy website
Have any questions?