Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Spring 2015, Question 29f

Jurisdiction has implemented a wellness plan

Full Question Text

Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits)

f. Implemented a wellness plan (e.g., incentives for annual physicals, weight management, smoking cessation, etc.)

Jurisdiction Type Crosstabulation
% within Jurisdiction Type
  Jurisdiction Type Total
County Township City Village
Percentage of jurisdictions that implemented a wellness plan (e.g., incentives for annual physicals, weight management, smoking cessation, etc.): (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) 26% 7% 15% 9% 14%