Policy Topics


Showing 1 - 30 of 345 results
MPPS in the news

Michigan residents more divided than ever on wind power

Jun 18, 2024 Iron County Reporter
When I was a young child, I saw my first wind turbine in the hills of Iowa when my family was driving from Michigan to Colorado. Many people consider them an eyesore, but I thought they looked absolutely wonderful. They were like giant pinwheels...
MPPS in the news

Support for rooftop solar outpaces other energy infrastructure

Jun 4, 2024 Route Fifty
In November, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a landmark energy law that sets an ambitious goal for the state to generate 100% of its energy from renewable resources by 2040. With the law, Michigan joins its neighbors in Illinois and Minnesota,...
MPPS in the news

Rural Prosperity Summit 2024 Recap

May 23, 2024 MI Office of Rural Prosperity
Over 275 attendees representing 91 rural Michigan communities attended the first-ever Michigan Rural Prosperity Summit on May 20, 2024. The Summit, hosted by the Michigan Office of Rural Prosperity, featured 19 speakers and panelists over 10...
MPPS in the news

Big Pinwheels in the Sky

May 20, 2024 Rural Insights
When I was a young child, I saw my first wind turbine in the hills of Iowa when my family was driving from Michigan to Colorado. Many people consider them an eyesore, but I thought they looked absolutely wonderful. They were like giant pinwheels...
In the Media

Early Public Comment Roundup Gives ICRC A Glimpse At Road Ahead

May 20, 2024 Gongwer
Members of the public have been providing public comments since the inception of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Track, but on Monday, commissioners got a peek at what those commenters were saying about the maps created between...
MPPS in the news

Survey: Local governments see EV charging as costly, lower-priority

May 7, 2024 Queen City News
More local governments across Michigan see EV charging as a relevant issue, but the number is still fairly low, according to a new University of Michigan survey, and those interested in EV charging see cost as a barrier. While the survey is...
MPPS in the news

Survey: Local governments see EV charging as costly, lower-priority

May 7, 2024 Green Car Reports
More local governments across Michigan see EV charging as a relevant issue, but the number is still fairly low, according to a new University of Michigan survey, and those interested in EV charging see cost as a barrier. While the survey is...
MPPS in the news

More local officials see relevance of electric vehicle planning

Apr 30, 2024 The University Record
Local officials across Michigan increasingly view electric vehicle infrastructure planning as relevant for their governments, though many cite too few public charging stations and costs associated with adding them as barriers to...
In the Media

Report: Locals Fiscally Sound During COVID, Long-Term Unclear

Apr 12, 2024 Gongwer
Local governments generally found themselves fiscally sound during the coronavirus pandemic due to one-time infusions of federal aid, but long-term fiscal health is more varied and could be tough to navigate due to constraints on fiscal policy, a...
MPPS in the news


Jul 10, 2023 StockTraderApp.com
Most Michigan local governments are spending their federal pandemic aid on capital projects, while facing challenges from rising project costs and uncertainty about future funding. A new survey from the University of Michigan’s Center for Local,...
MPPS in the news

Local Michigan governments face challenges spending ARPA funds

Jul 6, 2023 The Bond Buyer
Most Michigan local governments are spending their federal pandemic aid on capital projects, while facing challenges from rising project costs and uncertainty about future funding. A new survey from the University of Michigan's Center for Local,...
MPPS in the news

Inflation Driving Concern About ARPA Spending For Local Governments

Jul 6, 2023 Gongwer
The federal government offered $1.9 trillion to help local governments stabilize their budgets in 2021 through the American Rescue Plan Act, but two years later, many local leaders in Michigan say inflation and supply chain challenges are making the...
MPPS in the news

Local Leaders Largely Support Community-Wide Recycling

Mar 28, 2023 Gongwer News Service
Local leaders reported positive attitudes toward recycling, supporting the current services they have or expressing a desire to bring recycling services to their communities, a recent report from the Michigan Public Policy Survey...
MPPS in the news

How some Michigan communities are using ARPA dollars

Mar 16, 2023 Rural Innovation Exchange - Secondwavemedia.com
The lens that leaders of municipalities throughout Michigan are looking through is prompting them to take a “glass half full, glass half empty” approach depending on the amount of money they received through the American Rescue Plan...
MPPS in the news

Plan Now to Overcome Reflexive Opposition to Large-Scale Solar

Mar 6, 2023 American Planning Association
Community opposition to solar projects is becoming a common hurdle that renewable energy proponents must respect and address. It often stems from uncertainty, resulting in a tension in which perceptions of place and community character are pitted...