Policy Topics

Public services

Showing 121 - 150 of 618 results
Energy and environment

Michigan Local Recycling Policy Project (MiLRePP)

The Michigan Local Recycling Policy Program (MiLRePP), conducted by CLOSUP on behalf of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is a stakeholder engagement program to understand Michigan communities' service provision, challenges, and needs regarding local recycling, through surveys of local government leaders and Michigan...
MPPS, Local government fiscal health

The Michigan Public Policy Survey

April 2009
Debra Horner, Tom Ivacko
The Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) is unique in the nation as the only ongoing survey of all general purpose local governments across an entire state. Its mission is to inform and improve policymaking with data not available from any other source, by surveying the state’s local...

Spring 2020 Michigan Public Policy Survey Homepage

THE SPRING 2020 MICHIGAN PUBLIC POLICY SURVEY Topics: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); annual tracking items for fiscal, budget, operation policies; election administration and security; Michigan's new Independent Citizens...