Showing 101 - 125 of 376 results
Fiscal Strategy Memos

Fiscal Strategies: Capital Spending During an Economic Crisis

May 14, 2020
Eric Walcott, Michigan State University Extension, Brad Neumann, Michigan State University Extension, John Kaczor, Municipal Analytics
This memo is included in the Local Government COVID-19 Fiscal Strategy and Resource...
Working Papers

Renewable Energy Policy in Texas

May 8, 2020
Christopher Bowman*, Guy Packard*, Zach Pritchard*, University of Michigan
Despite voting Republican in every presidential election since Reagan, Texas was one of the first states to adopt a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) and is now ranked third nationally in production of renewable energy, beaten only by California...
Student Working Papers

State Wildlife Action Plans Adaptation to Climate Change

May 1, 2020
Adam Carpenter
Early conservation efforts were focused on setting aside lands to remain undeveloped and for plant and animal species to have a protected zone. Shifting environmental problems such as climate change have created a need for conservation efforts to...
Student Working Papers

Understanding the Goals of Urban Agriculture Policy in State Legislation

May 1, 2020
Meghan Monaghan
Literature suggests that incorporating urban agricultural practices into urban planning and policy making could be an effective method of improving economic and environmental sustainability, as well as increasing urban food security if adopted on a...
Student Working Papers

Zoning Codes and the Adoption of LEED in Michigan Cities

May 1, 2020
Michael Ngan
Because of an absence of federal policies in the US mandating green building certification, this paper aims to explore if local policy efforts can, as an alternative, effectively drive sustainable design and increase the number of green buildings....
Student Working Papers

Comparing Public Opinion and Legislation on Fracking in Pennsylvania

May 1, 2020
Anya Satyawadi
In recent years, natural gas production has increased greatly in the United States. This is, in large part, because of an attempt to decrease dependence on foreign energy sources. With increased use of natural gas comes the use of hydraulic...