Showing 201 - 225 of 376 results
Student Working Papers

Property Tax Rates in Detroit: A Michigan Public Policy Recommendation

April 1, 2017
Ronald Everett
On September 9th, 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau released a report outlining state government tax collection by category.1 Michigan ranked top ten out of all fifty states in the category of property tax rates. In addition, Michigan’s “lost decade” has...
Student Working Papers

Policy Analysis: Brain Drain in The State of Michigan

April 1, 2017
Bridget I. Granger
Michigan enrolls roughly 300,000 students in its fifteen public universities every year,1 but many of these students will never work or reside in Michigan after graduation. The state is currently experiencing a mass exodus of highly skilled young...
Student Working Papers

The Promise of Free College

April 1, 2017
Ingrid Johnson
It seems strange, that of all the cities, towns, and communities across America, Kalamazoo, Michigan would be chosen to make history in education. The relatively small city with the funny name, famous for innovations in the pharmaceutical field and...
Student Working Papers

Learning from Prop 1: Healing Michigan’s Roads

April 1, 2017
Matthew Lawford
Michigan’s roads are an expensive and continuously problematic policy area that lawmakers cannot seem to find solutions for. Michigan’s roads are now among the nation’s worst. More than a third of the state’s roads are included in a rating of poor...
Student Working Papers

Michigan Road Funding (Toll Booth/Road)

April 1, 2017
Austin Leist
An increase in toll road/booth political legislation would be advantageous for the repair, construction, and improvement of the Michigan road system. After review of a multitude of CLOSUP surveys, academic articles, and media outlets, poor road...
Student Working Papers

Michigan Roads and Policy Recommendations

April 1, 2017
Jay Nautiyal
Beginning as a system of Indian trails long before European settlers habituated the area that now makes up the United States, the road system of Michigan has since become a largely pot-hole laden, cracked and all around damaged mess (Bessert 2016)....
Student Working Papers

The Need for Increased Police Funding in Detroit

April 1, 2017
Lucas Ryan
Detroit, for all intents and purposes, used to be one of the most thriving cities in the United States. Following the end of World War Two, the auto industry in Detroit was one of the most promising the world. In 1950, Detroit was home to roughly...
Student Working Papers

Renewable Energy Reform in Michigan

April 1, 2017
Tanner Savitsky
As the industrial revolution and capitalism firmly took hold several hundred years ago, the production of excess carbon dioxide and other fossil fuels has negatively influenced the environment. Many fossil fuels, like coal, were cheap, effective,...
Student Working Papers

Regional Tax Authority in the State of Michigan

April 1, 2017
Karen Seo
Michigan, like many other states, holds final authority over tax policy in the state. In Michigan, the authority to levy local taxes is granted by the State. The State defines a set of regulations and restrictions that local municipalities must...
Student Working Papers

Blown Away: The Increasing Importance of Wind Energy in Michigan

April 1, 2017
Sean Smalley
The future of the environment is a controversial topic in 21st century America. Two polarities exist on the subject of the environment. Typically conservatives reject climate change and doubt any human causation, claiming it to be a mythical...
Student Working Papers

Funding Local Governments in Michigan

April 1, 2017
Carson Smith
The state of Michigan faces a unique set of issues in its municipal finance system. Since Michigan’s “Lost Decade,” local governments have seen state obligations to provide revenue go unmet. This decrease in funding has exacerbated issues faced by...
Student Working Papers

Fixing the Higher Education Funding System in Michigan

April 1, 2017
Keerthana Sundar
Education has become a key component of the dialogue surrounding the revitalization of Detroit and the economic progress of Michigan. A lot can be said, and has been said, about Michigan’s K-12 education system. Another important aspect is tertiary...
Student Working Papers

Reforming Michigan’s Charter Schools

April 1, 2017
Casey VanderWeide
Michigan has long been on the forefront on implementing charter schools. A charter school, sometimes referred to as a public school academy, is a state-funded public school under the state constitution that is operated “under a charter contract...

Moving the needle on American support for a carbon tax

March 1, 2017
Key findings from the latest round of the National Survey on Energy and Environment (NSEE) from the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College suggest Americans are increasingly warming to the idea of a carbon tax, especially if they are told the...