Showing 276 - 300 of 377 results

Wind power as a community issue in Michigan

July 1, 2014
This report presents the opinions of Michigan local government leaders on issues related to wind energy. It looks at the prevalence of wind turbines in jurisdictions across the state, opinions about the benefits and drawbacks of wind energy, sources...

Fracking as a community issue in Michigan

June 1, 2014
This report presents the opinions of Michigan local government leaders on issues in their communities related to the process of extracting natural gas through high-volume hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling of underground shale deposits,...

The impact of tax-exempt properties on Michigan local governments

March 1, 2014
Property tax revenues are one of the most important sources of funding for local governments in Michigan, but jurisdictions’ revenues are constrained in part because most have at least some properties that are exempt from taxes. This report presents...
Working Papers

Transformation of America’s Metropolitan Area Economies: Lessons from Four Decades

February 1, 2014
George A. Fulton, Donald R. Grimes, Yuanlei Zhu Institute for Research on Labor, Employment, and the Economy and Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics
With a unique approach and expanded data measures, this study attempts to contribute to the research on what leads metro economies in the United States to function the way they do, what makes some of the economies more successful than others, and...

Trust in government among Michigan’s local leaders and citizens

July 1, 2013
This report presents the opinions of Michigan’s local government leaders regarding their trust in the federal, state, and other local governments, based on statewide surveys conducted in the Spring 2013 and Spring 2009 waves of the Michigan Public...

NSEE Findings Report for Belief-Related Questions

March 1, 2013
This report presents the views of American citizens on the existence of global warming, including their reasons for belief or disbelief, with particular attention on the role played by recent notable weather and climate events, including severe...

Beyond trust in government: government trust in citizens?

March 1, 2013
This is the first of several reports on the opinions of Michigan’s local government leaders regarding citizen engagement in their jurisdictions. This report focuses on the levels of trust local officials feel toward their citizens as responsible...