Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Fall 2014, Question 27

Respondent's familiarity with Complete Streets

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In 2010, "Complete Streets" legislation gave project planning and coordination responsibilities to local governments and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) to develop "roadways planned, designed, and constructed to provide appropriate access to all legal users...whether by car, truck, transit, assistive device, foot or bicycle." How familiar are you with the Complete Streets initiative?

Jurisdiction Type Crosstabulation
% within Jurisdiction Type
  Jurisdiction Type Total
County Township City Village
How familiar are you with the Complete Streets initiative? Very Familiar 13% 7% 28% 9% 11%
Somewhat Familiar 32% 20% 47% 34% 27%
Mostly Unfamiliar 22% 27% 15% 18% 24%
Completely Unfamiliar 28% 36% 7% 28% 30%
Don't Know 5% 10% 2% 11% 9%