Michael S. McPherson, President of the Spencer Foundation, talks about students who are "undermatched" and raises questions of fairness as well of resource waste. November, 2011.
Richard J. Murnane discusses high school graduation rate patterns and explanations using evidence from several national and state data sets. September, 2011.
Howard S. Bloom, Brian Jacob, Johnathon Matthews, and Michael F. Tenbusch discuss the new results of the NYC study as well as the ongoing efforts among the small school community in the Detroit area. January, 2011.
Christopher Borick, Erick Lachapelle, Barry Rabe and moderator Don Scavia reviews current policy commitments and provide an overview of public opinion on climate change and public policy options. February, 2011.
Nicholas Bagley, Genevieve Kenney, Chris Priest, and moderator Thomas Buchmueller share their views on logistic and legal realities of the Affordable Care Act and answer audience questions. March, 2011.
Harvard education economist Roland Fryer describes the positive impact of the Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ) on school achievement. Fryer also discusses whether schools alone can eliminate the achievement gap. January, 2010.