Working Papers

Can You Recognize an Effective Teacher When You Recruit One?

February 1, 2009
Brian Jacob, Thomas J. Kane, Jonah E. Rockoff, Douglas O. Staiger
Research on the relationship between teachers' characteristics and teacher effectiveness has been underway for over a century, yet little progress has been made in linking teacher quality with factors observable at the time of hire. However, most...
Working Papers

The Effect of Grade Retention on High School Completion

February 1, 2009
Brian Jacob, Lars Lefgren
Low-achieving students in many school districts are retained in a grade in order to allow them to gain the academic or social skills that teachers believe are necessary to succeed academically. In this paper, we use plausibly exogenous variation in...
Working Papers

Improving Educational Outcomes for Poor Children

February 1, 2009
Brian Jacob, Jens Ludwig
This review paper, prepared for the forthcoming Russell Sage volume Changing Poverty, considers the ability of different education policies to improve the learning outcomes of lowincome children in America. Disagreements on this question stem in...
Working Papers

The Persistence of Teacher-Induced Learning Gains

February 1, 2009
Brian Jacob, Lars Lefgren, David Sims
Educational interventions are often narrowly targeted and temporary, and evaluations often focus on the short-run impacts of the intervention. Insofar as the positive effects of educational interventions fadeout over time, however, such assessments...