Student Working Papers

Property Tax Rates in Detroit: A Michigan Public Policy Recommendation

April 1, 2017
Ronald Everett
On September 9th, 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau released a report outlining state government tax collection by category.1 Michigan ranked top ten out of all fifty states in the category of property tax rates. In addition, Michigan’s “lost decade” has...
Student Working Papers

Policy Analysis: Brain Drain in The State of Michigan

April 1, 2017
Bridget I. Granger
Michigan enrolls roughly 300,000 students in its fifteen public universities every year,1 but many of these students will never work or reside in Michigan after graduation. The state is currently experiencing a mass exodus of highly skilled young...
Student Working Papers

State Wildlife Action Plans Adaptation to Climate Change

May 1, 2020
Adam Carpenter
Early conservation efforts were focused on setting aside lands to remain undeveloped and for plant and animal species to have a protected zone. Shifting environmental problems such as climate change have created a need for conservation efforts to...
Student Working Papers

The Promise of Free College

April 1, 2017
Ingrid Johnson
It seems strange, that of all the cities, towns, and communities across America, Kalamazoo, Michigan would be chosen to make history in education. The relatively small city with the funny name, famous for innovations in the pharmaceutical field and...

Cap-and-Trade Support Linked to Revenue Use

June 1, 2015
The Obama Administration’s creation of the Clean Power Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the electric power sector has renewed interest in possible state or regional adoption of cap-and-trade programs to meet mandatory reduction targets....