Student Working Papers

Learning from Prop 1: Healing Michigan’s Roads

April 1, 2017
Matthew Lawford
Michigan’s roads are an expensive and continuously problematic policy area that lawmakers cannot seem to find solutions for. Michigan’s roads are now among the nation’s worst. More than a third of the state’s roads are included in a rating of poor...
Student Working Papers

Michigan Road Funding (Toll Booth/Road)

April 1, 2017
Austin Leist
An increase in toll road/booth political legislation would be advantageous for the repair, construction, and improvement of the Michigan road system. After review of a multitude of CLOSUP surveys, academic articles, and media outlets, poor road...
Student Working Papers

Understanding the Goals of Urban Agriculture Policy in State Legislation

May 1, 2020
Meghan Monaghan
Literature suggests that incorporating urban agricultural practices into urban planning and policy making could be an effective method of improving economic and environmental sustainability, as well as increasing urban food security if adopted on a...