MPPS in the news

Michigan Housing Shortages Alarm Local Leaders: U Study

Sep 15, 2023 Mirage News
Michigan local officials are reporting alarm at the lack of housing options across the state-concerns that include single-family homes and multifamily units and cut across affordable, entry-level and mid-level housing...
MPPS in the news

Smaller Michigan Governments Require Aid for Grant Access

Oct 12, 2023 Mirage News
As unprecedented state and federal funding opportunities have emerged over the past 18 months with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, Michigan local government leaders have expressed concerns about...
Student Working Papers

An Analysis of Public Input on Michigan’s Redistricting Process

April 30, 2024
Malak Kalasho, University of Michigan
In 2018, Michigan residents voted in favor of Proposal 18-2, a ballot measure that shifted redistricting authority from the state legislature to an independent commission. By August 2020, 13 commissioners, made up of Democrats, Republicans, and...
MPPS in the news

More local officials see relevance of electric vehicle planning

Apr 30, 2024 The University Record
Local officials across Michigan increasingly view electric vehicle infrastructure planning as relevant for their governments, though many cite too few public charging stations and costs associated with adding them as barriers to...

More local officials see relevance of electric vehicle planning

May 2, 2024
Local officials across Michigan increasingly view electric vehicle infrastructure planning as relevant for their governments, though many cite too few public charging stations and costs associated with adding them as barriers to expansion.The...