

Showing 91 - 120 of 157 results

Fiscal health: Mixed signals for Michigan’s local governments

Dec 11, 2019
ANN ARBOR—More than two-thirds of Michigan’s local government leaders rate their jurisdictions’ current fiscal stress as relatively low, according to a new survey by the University of Michigan’s Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy. On the...
State & Hill

CLOSUP’s Michigan Public Policy Survey turns 10

Nov 14, 2019
It’s been a tumultuous decade in Michigan: three governors, a cratered economy and its recovery, the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, a public health disaster in Flint, and more. Through it all, the Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS)...
MPPS in the news

Most government units in Michigan unprepared for next recession

Oct 30, 2019 105.5 FM WTHD LaGrange, IN
More than half of Michigan's local government leaders are concerned about the potential impact of the next recession on their jurisdictions' ability to deliver public services and maintain government operations. Although local leaders have...

MPPS finds divided government means divided opinions

Aug 15, 2019
With 2019 marking the end of eight years of Republican control of both the governor’s office and state legislature, a new University of Michigan survey shows divided opinions among Michigan’s local government leaders about where the state is...
MPPS in the news

Michigan Struggles With Legal Pot

Jun 21, 2019 UrbanMilwaukee.com
Tom Ivacko, a researcher on all things policy-related in Michigan, described 2019 as a “haze” as officials scrapped one process for regulating marijuana and are implementing a new one before recreational cannabis hits the streets legally, probably...

Ivacko makes sense of the recreational marijuana ‘haze’

Jun 18, 2019
As Michigan goes through the transition after voters said “yes” to legalizing recreational marijuana last November, there’s a bit of a “haze,” as the Ford School’s Tom Ivacko puts it, on policy in "‘Haze’ abounds as Michigan struggles to regulate...

Ivacko discusses opioid interventions on Michigan Radio

May 14, 2019
Tom Ivacko, associate director of the Center for Local, State and Urban Policy (CLOSUP), housed at the Ford School, talks about Michigan’s relationship to the opioid crisis with Michigan Radio’s Paulette Parker. Published May 13, 2019 online, with...

Coverage of CLOSUP medical marijuana policy poll grows like weed

Sep 21, 2018
On September 13, 2018, the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at U-M’s Ford School of Public Policy released a survey that found almost 75 percent of Michigan cities, townships, and villages report that they have chosen to prohibit medical...

CLOSUP report: Michigan officials report housing shortages

Jun 22, 2018
Many local governments in Michigan feel they have a shortage of housing in their counties and cities, according to a survey from University of Michigan researchers. About 40 percent of local officials say they have too little single family housing...