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In the Media

Showing 61 - 90 of 1155 results
MPPS in the news

Study to examine criminal justice reform in Michigan

Aug 1, 2023 The University Record
In the wake of racial justice movements across the country, the state of Michigan and some of its communities have been implementing new public safety and criminal justice policies. The perspective of Michigan’s local government, public safety and...
MPPS in the news

Survey: Locals Not Concerned About Right To Work Status

Jul 27, 2023
A majority of local government leaders said in a recent survey the state's recently repealed right to work law has had no impact on relationships between the municipality and employee unions. The Michigan Public Policy Survey at the Center for...
MPPS in the news


Jul 10, 2023
Most Michigan local governments are spending their federal pandemic aid on capital projects, while facing challenges from rising project costs and uncertainty about future funding. A new survey from the University of Michigan’s Center for Local,...
MPPS in the news

Local Michigan governments face challenges spending ARPA funds

Jul 6, 2023 The Bond Buyer
Most Michigan local governments are spending their federal pandemic aid on capital projects, while facing challenges from rising project costs and uncertainty about future funding. A new survey from the University of Michigan's Center for Local,...
MPPS in the news

Inflation Driving Concern About ARPA Spending For Local Governments

Jul 6, 2023 Gongwer
The federal government offered $1.9 trillion to help local governments stabilize their budgets in 2021 through the American Rescue Plan Act, but two years later, many local leaders in Michigan say inflation and supply chain challenges are making the...
MPPS in the news

Survey: Gov. Whitmer and Michigan Legislature on Wrong Track

May 18, 2023
Nearly 60 percent of Michigan’s local government leaders say the state is on the wrong track in 2023, according to a recent University of Michigan survey. Specifically, 59 percent see the wrong track, less than the 62 percent in 2022 and the high of...
In the Media

Michigan Clerk Faces Recall Election After 2020 Election Controversy

May 1, 2023 NBC News Meet the Press Now
Adams Township clerk Stephanie Scott is facing a recall election and investigation over accusations of mishandling election materials during the 2020 election. “What happened here in Adams Township Michigan could happen anywhere,” said NBC News...
MPPS in the news

Labor Voices: Public workers keep government services going

Apr 18, 2023 The Detroit News
When newly elected officials take office, people often take for granted that government services will continue to be provided seamlessly. That continuity is only possible because of the institutional knowledge and hard work of dedicated public...
MPPS in the news

Recycling gets positive reviews as green groups press for more action

Apr 14, 2023 Great Lakes Echo
Local government officials in the state generally feel positive about the benefits of recycling, according to a public policy survey report from the University of Michigan. But environmental organizations say that while local officials felt upbeat,...
In the Media

Horner analyzes use of social media by local governments

Apr 9, 2023 Daily Telegram
Debra Horner, The Daily Telegram: "Back in 2012, only about 18 percent of local officials told us their governments used social media (including 48 percent of jurisdictions with more than 30,000 residents). In 2021, that was up to 29 percent...
MPPS in the news

Recycling gets positive reviews as green groups press for more action

Apr 3, 2023 Manistee News Advocate
LANSING – Local government officials in the state generally feel positive about the benefits of recycling, according to a public policy survey report from the University of Michigan. But environmental organizations say that while local officials...
MPPS in the news

Recycling gets positive reviews as green groups press for more action

Mar 31, 2023 Capital News Service
LANSING – Local government officials in the state generally feel positive about the benefits of recycling, according to a public policy survey report from the University of Michigan. But environmental organizations say that while local officials...
MPPS in the news

Local Leaders Largely Support Community-Wide Recycling

Mar 28, 2023 Gongwer News Service
Local leaders reported positive attitudes toward recycling, supporting the current services they have or expressing a desire to bring recycling services to their communities, a recent report from the Michigan Public Policy Survey...
In the Media

Leiser makes case for Financial Data Transparency Act

Mar 28, 2023 Accounting Today
Stephanie Leiser, Accounting Today: "There's an enormous amount of municipal government financial data locked up in PDF documents. Unlocking that data has the potential to radically improve transparency and dramatically enhance our ability to...
In the Media

Ivacko reveals factors behind threats to local officials

Mar 24, 2023 Wisconsin Public Radio
Tom Ivacko, Wisconsin Public Radio: "There's been a very concerted, ongoing effort with very strong media behind it to convince people that there are enemies in the public sector, undercutting their own democracy and working against the interests of...
In the Media

CLOSUP partnership with XBRL US, City of Flint highlighted

Mar 23, 2023 The Bond Buyer
CLOSUP, The Bond Buyer: "Flint is also at the forefront of the development of XBRL for financial reporting. Flint participated in a pilot project with the University of Michigan's Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at the school's Ford School...
MPPS in the news

How some Michigan communities are using ARPA dollars

Mar 16, 2023 Rural Innovation Exchange -
The lens that leaders of municipalities throughout Michigan are looking through is prompting them to take a “glass half full, glass half empty” approach depending on the amount of money they received through the American Rescue Plan...