John Hudak profiles how policy has evolved; how factors like economics, racism, politics, and public opinion have shaped policy, and what the future of marijuana policy may hold. September, 2016.
How do Americans think about energy? Is the debate over fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable energy highly partisan and ideological? David Konisky answers these questions & more in a discussion of his 2014 book, Cheap and Clean.
Ford School faculty member Gretchen Whitmer opens her class to the community & welcomes special guests Judge Steven W. Rhodes, Judge Gerald E. Rosen, Judge Mike Gadola, Sen. Randy Richardville, Chad Livengood, & Rep. Tommy Stallworth.
Ian Rowlands examines the ways in which electricity generated by renewable resources (like solar and wind) have been encouraged in the province of Ontario (Canada) during the past 20 years. September, 2015.
Former Mayor for the City of Ann Arbor John Hieftje, and the students of the Ford School’s Public Policy Course 456/756 moderate an Ann Arbor City Council candidate debate.
The Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy hosts Michael A. Pagano speaking about the five key attributes that frame city fiscal choice and behavior.
How bad are the roads? The University of Michigan surveyed top elected and appointed officials in Michigan's 1,856 units of government on a wide range of road related issues.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. The Charge to the Class was delivered by U.S. Senator Carl Levin. May, 2014.
The students of Ford School's Public Policy 456/756 class along with their instructor and current Ann Arbor Mayor John Hieftje host a mayoral candidate debate. April, 2014.
Ian Beniston, Hunter Morrison, John Russo and moderators June Manning Thomas and Margaret Dewar talk about Youngstown's innovative "2010 Plan" and possible applications for Michigan. March, 2014.
George Fulton describes the factors that contribute to the well-being of U.S. metropolitan area economies, and why have some areas been more successful in re-making their economies than others. February, 2014.
Robert Axelrod is the Walgreen Professor for the Study of Human Understanding; professor of political science, College of Literature, Science and the Arts; and professor of public policy, Gerald R.
Michael E. Kraft, Christopher P. Borick, and moderator Barry Rabe summarize the findings of Coming Clean, and apply the lessons of the TRI program to the emerging concern over shale gas fracking. December, 2013.
Kenneth Warner reviews state and local policies, evidence-based policies and endgame policies that have/could contributed to the successes of tobacco control. October, 2013.
Barry Rabe is an environmental policy professor at the University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy and director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at the Ford School.
The 2013 Charge to the Class was be delivered by Paul O'Neill. Also includes Susan Collins, Carl Simon, Amazin' Blue, Eli Day (BA'13) & Cynthia Rathinasamy (MPP'13). May, 2013.
Mark Funkhouser describes how government and citizens working together can produce positive outcomes, including in community economic development and the tools and techniques of deliberative democracy. April, 2013.
The Ford School's Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP ) discusses findings from the Michigan Public Policy Survey and the solutions suggested by these leaders. April, 2013.
Margaret Dewar, June Manning Thomas, and commentator John Gallagher discuss "The City After Abandonment" book findings and what these suggest about the future for better, though smaller, cities. January, 2013.
Black and Blue documentary film screening and panel discussion featuring former Senator Buzz Thomas (grandson of Willis Ward) and Steve Ford. January, 2013.
Matthew Chingos will discusses three studies of how schools respond to differences in teacher effectiveness, all of which are based on administrative data from the state of Florida. December, 2012.
Christopher Borick, Jacquelyn Pless, Erich Schwartzel and moderator Barry Rabe review emerging patterns in policy development in these two states as well as nationally. November 2012.