Policy Topics

Energy and Environment

Showing 241 - 270 of 648 results
Student Working Papers

Framing Local Parking Restrictions as Climate Change Mitigation Policies

June 1, 2018
Ian McKenny
Local policies aimed at reducing the emissions that contribute to climate change are growing in popularity in the United States, but progress on reducing vehicle emissions remains incremental. Cities are slowly shifting away from zoning policies...
Student Working Papers

Carbon Capture and Storage Framing in the Media

October 1, 2017
Brett Swiecicki
According to IPCC models, it will be impossible to prevent global temperatures from rising two degrees above preindustrial levels without the deployment of negative emissions technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), which remove carbon...
Student Working Papers

Plastic Bag Policy and Enforcement in the United States

October 1, 2017
Abrianna Soule
In the United States, there is a growing concern about the negative impacts of single-use plastic bags on human health and the environment. Several local and sub-national governments have implemented bans on the use of plastic bags as a result of...

A Majority of Americans Support Net Energy Metering

August 1, 2017
Net energy metering (NEM), the policy that allows utility customers with onsite electricity sources such as solar panels or small wind turbines to sell excess energy they generate back to the electric grid, has played a significant role in the...
Student Working Papers

Blown Away: The Increasing Importance of Wind Energy in Michigan

April 1, 2017
Sean Smalley
The future of the environment is a controversial topic in 21st century America. Two polarities exist on the subject of the environment. Typically conservatives reject climate change and doubt any human causation, claiming it to be a mythical...
Student Working Papers

Renewable Energy Reform in Michigan

April 1, 2017
Tanner Savitsky
As the industrial revolution and capitalism firmly took hold several hundred years ago, the production of excess carbon dioxide and other fossil fuels has negatively influenced the environment. Many fossil fuels, like coal, were cheap, effective,...

Moving the needle on American support for a carbon tax

March 1, 2017
Key findings from the latest round of the National Survey on Energy and Environment (NSEE) from the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College suggest Americans are increasingly warming to the idea of a carbon tax, especially if they are told the...

Fewer Americans Doubt Global Warming is Occurring

August 1, 2016
Since its inception in 2008, the National Surveys on Energy and Environment (NSEE) has tracked whether Americans believe there is solid evidence that global warming is occurring. The Spring 2016 NSEE finds that Americans’ views on climate change—and...

American Views on Fracking

May 1, 2016
Since becoming an economically viable means of extracting oil and gas in the early 21st century, hydraulic fracturing (or “fracking” as the process is commonly known) has become a major component of the American and world energy sectors. In 2015,...