Barry Rabe, professor at the Ford School of Public Policy, says that economists widely agree that introducing a carbon price is the single most effective way for countries to reduce their emissions, but political barriers have deterred elected off
In this presentation, Sanya Carley introduces a framework for conceptualizing vulnerability and then provide an illustration of its potential application using the case of the renewable portfolio standard. March, 2018.
The United States has seen dramatic growth in energy development with much of it occurring on privately owned lands, creating a unique raft of opportunity and risk for landowners.
In this webinar, researchers from the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) will present results from the Spring 2017 Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) covering Michigan local leaders's views on a range of issues regarding their ju
In this webinar, researchers from UM will share the results of Michigan landowner surveys to paint an unbiased picture of the pros and cons of wind energy.
Thomas to discuss voter registration policy and effects of President Trump's voter fraud commission, Voting Rights Act and allegations of Russian interference, challenges and reforms going forward. November, 2017.