Erick Lachapelle talks about efforts at developing a national carbon price framework at the federal level, implementation challenges, and the prospects for carbon pricing in the future. October, 2017.
Paul Nolette discusses the role of state AGs during the early months of the Trump Administration and provides an overview of the various tools AGs have used to gain national prominence. September, 2017.
Jenna Bednar, Margaret Cook, Barry Rabe and moderator Sarah Mills discuss their research at the intersection of fracking and water policy. April, 2017.
Riordan Frost discusses the preliminary results of his index, and talks about the challenges and hard decisions inherent in constructing such an index. February, 2017.
Leigh Raymond explores a surprising new strategy for climate change policy that has emerged in the last 10 years: "reclaiming the atmospheric commons." October, 2016
Colonel Kevin C. Riley, Abigail Beniston, Arthur Jemison, Kerry Duggan, Gary Indiana Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, and moderator Cecilia Munoz discuss initiatives geared toward improving Rustbelt cities. September, 2016.
Susan Demas, editor and publisher of Inside Michigan Politics, explains the role that interest groups are playing in Michigan Politics. September, 2016.
John Hudak profiles how policy has evolved; how factors like economics, racism, politics, and public opinion have shaped policy, and what the future of marijuana policy may hold. September, 2016.