Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Spring 2022, Question 29

Familiarity with Michigan's Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission

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In 2018, Michigan voters approved a Constitutional amendment that created the Michigan Independent Citizens' Redistricting Commission (MICRC). How familiar are you with this new approach to redistricting in the state?

Statewide total
% Statewide
In 2018, Michigan voters approved a Constitutional amendment that created the Michigan Independent Citizens' Redistricting Commission (MICRC). How familiar are you with this new approach to redistricting in the state? Very familiar — I know a great deal about it 19%
Somewhat familiar — I have heard of it, and understand it fairly well, but don't know many details 51%
Mostly unfamiliar — I have heard of it, but know very little about it 21%
Completely unfamiliar — I have never heard of it before 6%
Don't know 3%