Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Fall 2016, Question 14

Effectiveness of Emergency Manager Law at restoring fiscal health in the short-term

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Thinking overall about local governments that have faced—or will face—a financial emergency, how effective or ineffective do you believe the Emergency Manager Law has been, or will be, at restoring fiscal health in the short-term (i.e., balancing the books)?

Jurisdiction Type Crosstabulation
% within Jurisdiction Type
  Jurisdiction Type Total
County Township City Village
Thinking overall about local governments that have faced—or will face—a financial emergency, how effective or ineffective do you believe the Emergency Manager Law has been, or will be, at restoring fiscal health in the short-term (i.e., balancing the books)? Very Effective 10% 10% 13% 11% 10%
Somewhat Effective 40% 37% 50% 30% 38%
Neither Effective nor Ineffective 5% 12% 9% 11% 11%
Somewhat Ineffective 14% 11% 11% 13% 12%
Very Ineffective 7% 7% 10% 10% 8%
Don't Know 24% 23% 7% 24% 21%