
Michigan Redistricting Project

Showing 1 - 24 of 24 results
In the Media

Early Public Comment Roundup Gives ICRC A Glimpse At Road Ahead

May 20, 2024 Gongwer
Members of the public have been providing public comments since the inception of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Track, but on Monday, commissioners got a peek at what those commenters were saying about the maps created between...
In the Media

New House map combats racial gerrymandering in Michigan Legislature

Apr 9, 2024 The Michigan Daily
Three federal judges approved new Michigan House of Representatives voting districts on March 27. The map’s passing followed a lawsuit, Agee v. Benson, filed March 23, 2022, that alleged illegal racial gerrymandering in 13 Detroit-area House and...
In the Media

CLOSUP redistricting event featured in Detroit Free Press

Dec 5, 2022 Detroit Free Press
Detroit Free Press: "'I think Michigan is going to play a very important poster child role moving forward,' said Moon Duchin, a mathematician at Tufts University who helped Michigan's commission review mapping input during the redistricting...
In the Media

MSU creates tool to measure election fairness district-wide

Jun 15, 2022 The State News
Michigan State University recently launched the Partisan Advantage Tracker, a user-friendly tool that helps the public assess election fairness and track election outcomes. MSU Professor of Economics and Political Science Jon X. Eguia collaborated...
In the Media

U-M expert on redistricting: The road back and ahead

Nov 16, 2021 Michigan News, University of Michigan
The Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission is nearing the end of its work to draft new maps in an effort to end partisan gerrymandering. The mission was straightforward—use an independent commission instead of the state legislature...

Chamberlin on lawmaker transparency and redistricting

Jun 13, 2021
John Chamberlin, Ford School professor emeritus of public policy and political science, says a recent controversy in Lansing calls out the need for increased transparency when it comes to lawmakers. A Michigan state representative is proposing a law...
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Public meetings of the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commissioners

Sep 2, 2021, 1:00-8:00 pm EDT
Michigan Union Rogel Ballroom (2nd Floor)
Public meetings of the Michigan Citizens Independent Redistricting Commissioners with agenda to include racially polarized voting analysis, Voting Rights Act analysis, and map drawing for State Senate districts for Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne counties.