Matthew Chingos will discusses three studies of how schools respond to differences in teacher effectiveness, all of which are based on administrative data from the state of Florida. December, 2012.
Richard J. Murnane discusses high school graduation rate patterns and explanations using evidence from several national and state data sets. September, 2011.
Howard S. Bloom, Brian Jacob, Johnathon Matthews, and Michael F. Tenbusch discuss the new results of the NYC study as well as the ongoing efforts among the small school community in the Detroit area. January, 2011.
Matthew Springer discusses the impact of the POINT intervention on student achievement as well as teacher behavior and organizational dynamics. September, 2010.
Eric Hanushek of the Hoover Institution talks about the societal and economic returns of long-term investment in schools, particularly problematic ones, as well as possible school reform policies that can help transform schools. March, 2010.
Harvard education economist Roland Fryer describes the positive impact of the Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ) on school achievement. Fryer also discusses whether schools alone can eliminate the achievement gap. January, 2010.