Policy Topics

Federal government

Showing 31 - 60 of 191 results
MPPS in the news

Report: Local Gov't Officials Still Concerned About State Of Democracy

Nov 23, 2022 Gongwer News Service
The state of local democracy is not in jeopardy in the eyes of officials across Michigan, however there is still much concern for the stability of democracy at the state and federal levels according to a report from the University of Michigan's...
In the Media

Financial reporting bill in Senate has muni lobby on edge

Sep 19, 2022 The Bond Buyer
The municipal market is rattled by legislation pending before the Senate that would require governments to standardize their financial reports, with opponents warning it would be onerous and costly and ultimately could shrink tax-exempt...
MPPS in the news

Michigan governments sit on $11B from stimulus, as needs grow every day

Oct 25, 2021 Bridge Michigan
Battle Creek — Helping residents pay off nearly $2 million in delinquent utility bills.  Expanding high-speed internet access. Making major repairs at a wastewater treatment plant. There’s no shortage of ideas on how to spend a $30.5 million...