Policy Topics

Community and Social Issues

Showing 301 - 330 of 759 results
Michigan Research Briefs

Smoke-Free Legislation

March 1, 2010
This first brief examines a variety of policy issues related to smoke-free legislation including economic issues, public health issues, and questions of the role of government in the private...
Michigan Research Briefs

The Prison Population and Corrections Expenditures

March 1, 2010
The sixth brief reviews trends in crime rates, the incarceration rate, and corrections expenditures. The brief also examines potential solutions to reduce the cost of corrections while maintaining public...
Working Papers

The Impact of No Child Left Behind on Student Achievement.

February 1, 2010
Thomas S. Dee, Brian Jacob
The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act compelled states to design schoolaccountability systems based on annual student assessments. The effect of this Federal legislation on the distribution of student achievement is a highly controversial but...
Working Papers

Do Principals Fire the Worst Teachers?

February 1, 2010
Brian Jacob
This paper takes advantage of a unique policy change to examine how principals make decisions regarding teacher dismissal. In 2004, the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) signed a new collective bargaining agreement that...
Working Papers

The Effect of Gun Shows on Gun-Related Deaths: Evidence from California and Texas

February 1, 2009
Brian Jacob, Mark Duggan, and Randi Hjalmarsson
Thousands of gun shows take place in the U.S. each year. Gun control advocates argue that because sales at gun shows are much less regulated than other sales, such shows make it easier for potential criminals to obtain a gun. Similarly, one might be...
Working Papers

The Unequal Geographic Burden of Federal Taxation

February 1, 2009
David Albouy
In the United States, workers in cities offering above-average nominal wages—cities with high productivity, low quality-of-life, or inefficient housing sectors—pay 30 percent more in federal taxes than otherwise identical workers in cities offering...
Working Papers

Can You Recognize an Effective Teacher When You Recruit One?

February 1, 2009
Brian Jacob, Thomas J. Kane, Jonah E. Rockoff, Douglas O. Staiger
Research on the relationship between teachers' characteristics and teacher effectiveness has been underway for over a century, yet little progress has been made in linking teacher quality with factors observable at the time of hire. However, most...
Working Papers

The Effect of Grade Retention on High School Completion

February 1, 2009
Brian Jacob, Lars Lefgren
Low-achieving students in many school districts are retained in a grade in order to allow them to gain the academic or social skills that teachers believe are necessary to succeed academically. In this paper, we use plausibly exogenous variation in...
Working Papers

Improving Educational Outcomes for Poor Children

February 1, 2009
Brian Jacob, Jens Ludwig
This review paper, prepared for the forthcoming Russell Sage volume Changing Poverty, considers the ability of different education policies to improve the learning outcomes of lowincome children in America. Disagreements on this question stem in...
Working Papers

The Persistence of Teacher-Induced Learning Gains

February 1, 2009
Brian Jacob, Lars Lefgren, David Sims
Educational interventions are often narrowly targeted and temporary, and evaluations often focus on the short-run impacts of the intervention. Insofar as the positive effects of educational interventions fadeout over time, however, such assessments...
Energy and environment

2019 Michigan Local Energy Survey (MiLES)

April 2019 - November 2020
Sarah Mills, Debra Horner, Natalie Fitzpatrick
The Michigan Local Energy Survey (MiLES) was conducted by CLOSUP in Fall 2019 on behalf of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). The survey was designed to better understand local officials' perceptions of the costs, benefits, and likelihood of engaging in future energy management activities. The survey covered a variety of energy issues, including: the regulation and siting of energy infrastructure on public and private property in local jurisdictions, governments’ engagement with citizens and businesses on energy issues, planning and/or zoning policies...

Policing and Criminal Justice Policy Reform in Michigan: Understanding Opportunities and Barriers Across the Network of Decision Makers

The project "Policing and Criminal Justice Policy Reform in Michigan" is designed to help improve criminal justice, public safety, and police-community relations by understanding the perspectives and values of the local government and law enforcement officials who play key leadership roles in the criminal justice system, gathered through surveys of local government leaders, chiefs of police and sheriffs, and prosecuting attorneys across Michigan. The effort is a collaboration between the Ford School’s Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) and the University of Michigan's...
Functioning of democracy

The Functioning of Democracy: Insights from Michigan’s local leaders

April 2020
Tom Ivacko, Debra Horner, Natalie Fitzpatrick, Monika Anderson, Kristina Curtiss, Christian Hunter, Julie Rubin, Kyron Smith, Karley Thurston
CLOSUP’s Functioning of Democracy Project is designed to increase our understanding of how American democracy is functioning at the local level, based on the unique perspective of Michigan’s local government leaders. It also serves as a Signature Initiative of the the University of Michigan’s Democracy & Debate program, providing resources, support, and analysis for faculty, students, and others interested in learning more about the state of U.S. democracy at the grassroots level. These resources and projects draw from data collected through the Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS), an...
MPPS, Local government fiscal health

The Michigan Public Policy Survey

April 2009
Debra Horner, Tom Ivacko
The Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) is unique in the nation as the only ongoing survey of all general purpose local governments across an entire state. Its mission is to inform and improve policymaking with data not available from any other source, by surveying the state’s local...

MPPS Spring 2020 data tables

Summary tables for questionnaire items from the Spring 2020 Wave of the MPPS broken down by jurisdiction type, population size, and region of the state are accessible below. Table of Contents Coronavirus Disease 2019...