Economic development

Where do we go from here conference

April 2006 - April 2006
In April 2006 CLOSUP hosted "Where Do We Go From Here? An Agenda-Setting Conference for the Economic Issues Facing Michigan." The conference objectives were to: Determine whether it is possible to develop a far-reaching, practical and broadly acceptable agenda to address our state's economic troubles. Identify the core components of such an agenda. Nourish the overall debate around the policy options facing our...
Energy and environment

The CLOSUP Energy & Environmental Policy Initiative Fracking Project

July 2012 - June 2019
Barry Rabe
Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as "fracking," and new horizontal drilling techniques are creating significant opportunities to expand natural gas production across the United States. However, the absence of comprehensive federal legislation regarding hydraulic fracturing has placed the regulation of unconventional gas drilling primarily within the purview of state and local governments. To improve understanding of state and local policy issues related to fracking, CLOSUP launched a multi-faceted research project on the topic as part of the Center's Energy and Environmental...