In the Media

Ivacko makes 2021 political predictions for Michigan

Jan 5, 2021 Hour Detroit
Ivacko joins other political experts to answer eight burning questions in Michigan politics. Will Mike Duggan be reelected?  What will become of twice-failed candidate John James? Who will benefit from congressional redistricting? And more. On...
In the Media

Ivacko on voter education and voter ID laws

Jan 7, 2021 Bridge Detroit
"There are a lot of complicated laws governing elections and they can be confusing both to voters and to poll workers," according to Tom Ivacko. “Some of the recent changes have added to the complexity and the need for voters to really do their...
In the Media

Gerber and Morenoff seek to understand vaccine hesitancy in Detroit

Jan 25, 2021 Model D
"It really jumped out that for people of color in general, and Blacks specifically, how important it is to get a [vaccination] recommendation from a health care provider or government health officials," said Jeffrey Morenoff, commenting on findings...
In the Media

Ranked-choice voting easier than everyday routines, says Chamberlin

Feb 2, 2021 NYCity Lens
"Think of [ranked-choice voting] like choosing items in everyday routines, like ordering a slice of pizza," said John Chamberlin, who specializes in voting systems.  "All it takes is a little planning before entering the voting booth. And sometimes...