The eyes of the country are on Michigan, as voters consider ballot initiatives on whether to enshrine abortion rights into the swing state's constitution and expand opportunities to vote. The highest offices in the state are also up for grabs, with GOP challengers aligned with former President Donald Trump looking to ban abortion outright and doubt or disbelieve the results of the 2020 presidential race.
Michigan is also voting for the first time with state and federal districts drawn by a nonpartisan Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission, which could see the State Senate go to the Democrats for the first time since 1983 and the State House for the first time since 2011.
The University of Michigan's Ford School of Public Policy has experts who can share insights on many aspects and issues related to the election and its implications for the state and nation.
Edie Goldenberg
Professor Emerita of Public Policy and Political Science (View profile)
Topics: Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission
Goldenberg focuses on access to the ballot, and in 2017 she founded a Michigan group called Turn Up Turnout (TUT). In 2020, voter turnout among University of Michigan college students jumped to 78%. A former dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, she also was the founding director of the Michigan in Washington Program.
- Should you vote early in the 2022 midterm elections? 3 essential reads, The Conversation, September 13, 2022
Paula Lantz
James B. Hudak Professor of Health Policy (View profile)
Topics: Reproductive Rights
Lantz is a social demographer/social epidemiologist who studies the role of public policy in improving population health and reducing social disparities in health. She is currently engaged in research regarding abortion policy,
- Abortion ban could land more kids in Michigan’s overburdened foster system, MLive, July 17, 2022
John Chamberlin
Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Political Science (View profile)
Topics: Campaigns and campaign finance
Professor emeritus of political science and public policy, an expert on election methods and ethics, and a member of the board of directors for the nonprofit Michigan Campaign Finance Network.
- Michigan lawmakers prepare burst of spending, fundraisers for Wednesday, Detroit News, September 27, 2022
Jonathan Hanson
Lecturer in Statistics for Public Policy (View profile)
Topics: Political analysis
Prior to earning his MA in economics and a PhD in political science from the University of Michigan, he served as a legislative assistant in Congress for several years and worked on political campaigns.
- Why experts say the fall of abortion rights is a key sign of a troubled democracy, Michigan Advance, September 25, 2022
Jenna Bednar
Professor of Public Policy and Political Science (View profile)
Bednar’s research looks at how systems and institutions operate in complex environments – relevant for today’s unprecedented politics.
- SHElection!: The Michigan Governor's Race, NPR, September 28, 2022
Tom Ivacko
Executive Director, Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) (View profile)
Topics: Confidence in, and threats to, local election administration
Ivacko has studied Michigan local policy for more than 20 years, leading or co-authoring more than 50 publications of the Michigan Public Policy Survey, a comprehensive annual look at a wide range of issues facing Michigan local government officials.
- Confidence in election security high, according to Michigan local government officials, disinformation causes concerns, September 22, 2022
- More than half of Michigan local governments report personnel harassed, abused for doing their jobs, September 8, 2022