Question 16a Do you think your jurisdiction should be providing retirement income benefits to current and/or retired employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported not offering any kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 16b Do you think your jurisdiction should be providing retirement income benefits to current and/or former elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported not offering any kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17a There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to new hires? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17b There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17c There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to retired employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17d There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17e There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to former elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18a Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for new hires to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18b Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 16b Do you think your jurisdiction should be providing retirement income benefits to current and/or former elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported not offering any kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17a There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to new hires? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17b There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17c There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to retired employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17d There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17e There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to former elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18a Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for new hires to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18b Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 17a There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to new hires? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17b There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17c There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to retired employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17d There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17e There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to former elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18a Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for new hires to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18b Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 17b There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17c There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to retired employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17d There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17e There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to former elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18a Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for new hires to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18b Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 17c There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to retired employees? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17d There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17e There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to former elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18a Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for new hires to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18b Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 17d There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to current elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 17e There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to former elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18a Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for new hires to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18b Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 17e There are a number of different types of retirement income benefits that local governments might offer personnel, including a defined contribution plan (i.e., IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type plan), a defined benefit plan (i.e., a traditional pension), or a hybrid plan (i.e., a plan that combines features of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans for an individual). Which type(s) of retirement income benefits, if any, does your jurisdiction offer to former elected officials? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18a Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for new hires to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18b Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 18a Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for new hires to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18b Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 18b Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 18c Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for retired employees to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 18d Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for current elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 18e Overall, do you consider your jurisdiction's retirement income benefits - or lack thereof - for former elected officials to be too generous, about right, or not generous enough? (Among those jurisdictions that reported offering some kind of retirement income benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19a Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) a. Had an actuarial valuation of our defined benefit pension within the last 2 years Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19b Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) b. Increased the years of service required and/or the age at which retirement benefits are available Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, OPEB Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19c Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) c. Increased employee contribution to defined benefit portion of the pension Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19d Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) d. Reduced the multiplier that helps determine pension payments based on final average salary Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) e. Reduced, eliminated, or postponed the cost of living adjustment (COLA) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19e Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its retiree health care benefits for any current or future retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those jurisdictions that reported taking action regarding their retiree health care benefits) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, OPEB Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19f Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) f. Decreased the assumed rate of return for stock market investments in the pension fund Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19g Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) g. Closed defined benefit pension to new individuals Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19h Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) h. Converted to a defined contribution (IRA, 401a, 457b, or 401k-type) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19i Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) i. Converted to a hybrid (defined benefit and defined contribution) plan Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 19j Which of the following actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken so far regarding its defined benefit and/or hybrid pension plans for any of its employees, elected officials, or retirees? (check all that apply) (Among those who reported taking some action on their defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) j. Financed liability through bonds Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 20 Overall, how effective would you say your jurisdiction's efforts, if any, have been at controlling costs related to its retirement income benefits? (Among those jurisdictions that reported having defined benefit or hybrid retirement income benefit plans) Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last
Question 21 A jurisdiction's "actuarially required contribution" (ARC) to its pension fund is based on the benefits earned by employees in the current year, plus an amount to reduce any unfunded liabilities for past years. Some jurisdictions pay their ARC in full each year. Others do not, and may just pay as they go for only that year's pension costs. Thinking specifically about defined benefit (i.e., traditional pensions) and/or hybrid plans, which of the following statements best describes your jurisdiction's contributions to its pension fund during its previous fiscal year? Survey Spring 2015 Categories Finance Budget and Operations, Workforce, Employee compensation, Pensions, fiscal health Pagination First page first Previous page previous Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Current page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Next page next Last page last