Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Spring 2024 County Prosecutors, Question 03other

Other personnel problems for jurisdiction

Full Question Text

How much of a problem, if at all, are the following personnel issues for your office?

Other. (please specify)

Statewide Total
. 10%
Funding for experts 6%
Having sufficient time to meet with victims and witnesses. 11%
Not having enough funding to have more Assistant Prosecutors and to retain current Assistant Prosecutors on our staff. 6%
Pay 10%
Salaries compared to MIDC 8%
Salary 6%
The adding of statutory obligations without adequate funding. Influx of tasks such as increased appeals, juvenile cases, and neglect without adding any funding or support staff. 11%
The significant increase in appellate work 6%
Underfunding and lack off sufficient staff 8%
managing digital evidence 10%
specialized cases without experienced prosecutors - for example, CSC and embezzlement 6%