Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Spring 2021, Question 19

Effectiveness of actions to support local businesses in response to COVID-19

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Overall, how effective or ineffective would you say the action(s) your jurisdiction has taken so far to support local businesses in response to COVID-19 have been? (Among jurisdictions that report taking at least one action to support local businesses in response to COVID-19)

Statewide total
% Statewide
Overall, how effective or ineffective would you say the action(s) your jurisdiction has taken so far to support local businesses in response to COVID-19 have been? (Among jurisdictions that report taking at least one action to support local businesses in response to COVID-19) Very Effective 11%
Somewhat Effective 55%
Neither Effective nor Ineffective 22%
Somewhat Ineffective 5%
Very Ineffective 1%
Don't Know 6%