Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) Spring 2018, Question 18b

Need for emergency housing in jurisdiction

Full Question Text

To the best of your knowledge, please indicate if emergency housing (homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, warming centers, etc.) is needed by residents in your community to help make ends meet and — if so — whether those needs are being met.

% within Jurisdiction Type
  Jurisdiction Type Total
County Township City Village
To the best of your knowledge, please indicate if emergency housing (homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, warming centers, etc.) is needed by residents in your community to help make ends meet and — if so — whether those needs are being met. Not needed in our community at all 1% 20% 18% 24% 20%
There are needs, but all or most are being met 29% 26% 32% 17% 26%
Some unmet needs 40% 22% 28% 25% 24%
Significant unmet needs 20% 13% 10% 20% 14%
Don't know 9% 18% 13% 15% 16%