Michigan Public Policy Survey (MPPS) MiLES (Fall 2019), Question 36

Jurisdiction interested in setting local energy codes that are stronger than the State's if it had the authority to do so

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Currently, individual local governments do not have the authority to set energy codes that are more strict than the State of Michigan’s. But how interested would you say your jurisdiction might be in setting local energy codes that are stronger than the State’s if it had the authority to do so? (Among jurisdictions that think the State's Energy Codes should be strengthened)

Jurisdiction Type
County Township City Village Total
Not at all interested 47% 50% 35% 43% 45%
Somewhat interested 15% 23% 37% 31% 27%
Very interested 14% 7% 7% 9% 8%
Don't know 23% 21% 21% 17% 21%