In the Media

Financial reporting bill in Senate has muni lobby on edge

Sep 19, 2022 The Bond Buyer
The municipal market is rattled by legislation pending before the Senate that would require governments to standardize their financial reports, with opponents warning it would be onerous and costly and ultimately could shrink tax-exempt...
In the Media

Our Elections: Trust

Sep 26, 2022 Presidential Prayer Team
In their book, Our Broken Elections, by John Fund and Hans Von Spakovsky, published in 2021, they begin, “It’s clear that Americans are separated not just by political disagreements but by a basic difference in how we regard...

Big Ten mayors convene to address shared challenges

Sep 21, 2022
Staying close to constituents and at the same time forging regional partnerships are the keys to solving many of the problems confronting American cities. That message emerged in an hour-long discussion that convened mayors from Detroit, Chicago,...