Question 19a Would you say lack of interest among residents is a barrier to your jurisdiction developing specific energy policies? (among jurisdictions that have not at least considered plans / policies regarding energy issues) Survey Fall 2023 Categories Citizen engagement, Trust in citizens, Technology Question 27a Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) a. Yes - our own formal website Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27b Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) b. Yes - a section on some other organization’s site (e.g., a contact page on your county’s site) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27c Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) c. Yes - an official Facebook or other social media page(s) managed by the jurisdiction Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27d Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) d. No, none Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27e Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) e. Don’t know Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28a Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) a. Provide local government meeting information online (public notices, agendas, minutes, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28b Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) b. Stream/post video of jurisdiction hearings or meetings (possibly including an archive of past meetings) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28c Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) c. Enable online payment for taxes, services, fees, fines, utilities, etc. Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 27a Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) a. Yes - our own formal website Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27b Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) b. Yes - a section on some other organization’s site (e.g., a contact page on your county’s site) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27c Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) c. Yes - an official Facebook or other social media page(s) managed by the jurisdiction Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27d Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) d. No, none Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27e Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) e. Don’t know Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28a Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) a. Provide local government meeting information online (public notices, agendas, minutes, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28b Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) b. Stream/post video of jurisdiction hearings or meetings (possibly including an archive of past meetings) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28c Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) c. Enable online payment for taxes, services, fees, fines, utilities, etc. Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 27b Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) b. Yes - a section on some other organization’s site (e.g., a contact page on your county’s site) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27c Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) c. Yes - an official Facebook or other social media page(s) managed by the jurisdiction Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27d Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) d. No, none Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27e Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) e. Don’t know Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28a Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) a. Provide local government meeting information online (public notices, agendas, minutes, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28b Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) b. Stream/post video of jurisdiction hearings or meetings (possibly including an archive of past meetings) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28c Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) c. Enable online payment for taxes, services, fees, fines, utilities, etc. Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 27c Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) c. Yes - an official Facebook or other social media page(s) managed by the jurisdiction Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27d Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) d. No, none Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27e Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) e. Don’t know Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28a Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) a. Provide local government meeting information online (public notices, agendas, minutes, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28b Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) b. Stream/post video of jurisdiction hearings or meetings (possibly including an archive of past meetings) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28c Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) c. Enable online payment for taxes, services, fees, fines, utilities, etc. Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 27d Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) d. No, none Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 27e Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) e. Don’t know Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28a Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) a. Provide local government meeting information online (public notices, agendas, minutes, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28b Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) b. Stream/post video of jurisdiction hearings or meetings (possibly including an archive of past meetings) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28c Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) c. Enable online payment for taxes, services, fees, fines, utilities, etc. Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 27e Does your jurisdiction have an official website and/or Facebook page? (check all that apply) e. Don’t know Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28a Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) a. Provide local government meeting information online (public notices, agendas, minutes, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28b Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) b. Stream/post video of jurisdiction hearings or meetings (possibly including an archive of past meetings) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28c Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) c. Enable online payment for taxes, services, fees, fines, utilities, etc. Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 28a Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) a. Provide local government meeting information online (public notices, agendas, minutes, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28b Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) b. Stream/post video of jurisdiction hearings or meetings (possibly including an archive of past meetings) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28c Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) c. Enable online payment for taxes, services, fees, fines, utilities, etc. Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 28b Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) b. Stream/post video of jurisdiction hearings or meetings (possibly including an archive of past meetings) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28c Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) c. Enable online payment for taxes, services, fees, fines, utilities, etc. Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 28c Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) c. Enable online payment for taxes, services, fees, fines, utilities, etc. Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 28d Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 28e Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) e. Provide information about public services online (e.g., trash pickup, voting, and elections, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 28f Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) f. Provide local government ordinances, regulations, rules, and/or bylaws online Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 28g Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) g. Provide local officials’ and/or staff contact information Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 28h Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) h. Share information with residents through social media (e.g., on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 28i Some local jurisdictions use online technology (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.) for a variety of operations and services. Others do not use much online technology at all. To the best of your knowledge, please indicate whether your local government currently does any of the following. (check all that apply) (Among jurisdictions that have an official website, section on some other organization’s site, or official Facebook or other social media page) i. None of the above Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 29a To what extent, if at all, has lack of broadband or "high speed" internet connections in the community been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 29b To what extent, if at all, has insufficient funding been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 29c To what extent, if at all, has insufficient technical expertise among jurisdiction personnel or officials been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 29d To what extent, if at all, have inappropriate comments on social media (e.g., personal attacks, scams, etc.) been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 29e To what extent, if at all, has lack of demand from jurisdiction residents and/or businesses been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 29f To what extent, if at all, has no particular leaders among jurisdiction personnel or officials pushing for adoption been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 29g To what extent, if at all, have cybersecurity concerns been a problem that has challenged or discouraged your jurisdiction’s online presence? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 30 Overall, how satisfied are you with your jurisdiction’s current online presence (e.g., websites, mobile apps, social media, etc.)? Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 31a During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) a. Yes, by video conference (Zoom, Google Meetings, etc.) Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last
Question 31b During the past twelve months, has your jurisdiction’s Board/Council held any official meetings by teleconference or video technology (for example, via Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google Meetings, or other teleconferencing technology)? (check all that apply) b. Yes, by phone/teleconference Survey Spring 2021 Categories Citizen engagement, Technology Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page next Last page last