2019 Michigan Local Energy Survey (MiLES)
The Michigan Local Energy Survey (MiLES) was conducted by CLOSUP in Fall 2019 on behalf of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). The survey was designed to better understand local officials' perceptions of the costs, benefits, and likelihood of engaging in future energy management activities.
The survey covered a variety of energy issues, including: the regulation and siting of energy infrastructure on public and private property in local jurisdictions, governments’ engagement with citizens and businesses on energy issues, planning and/or zoning policies regarding energy such as utility-scale wind and solar, local electric vehicle (EV) policies, local renewable energy goals or requirements, energy use in public and private buildings and the use of audits, opinions on the Michigan Uniform Energy Code and code enforcement, local government collaboration on energy and sustainability policies, and local leaders’ views on climate change.

Funding partners
Funding to-date for the Michigan Local Energy Survey (MiLES) has been provided by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).
The Fall 2019 MiLES, sponsored by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), was a special wave of CLOSUP’s ongoing Michigan Public Policy Survey.
Surveys were sent by the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) via the internet and hardcopy to top elected and appointed officials (including county administrators and board chairs; city mayors and managers; village presidents, clerks, and managers; and township supervisors, clerks, and managers) from all 83 counties, 280 cities, 253 villages, and 1,240 townships in the state of Michigan. Respondents also include other local government officials who may have particular knowledge of local energy issues and policy, such as zoning directors, planning board chairs, or jurisdiction staff.
The survey was launched on October 7, 2019 and closed on December 2, 2019. A total of 1,350 jurisdictions returned valid surveys (58 counties, 208 cities, 179 villages, and 905 townships), resulting in a 73% response rate by unit.
Survey Results
Results of the survey are available here on the CLOSUP website in the form of pre-run data tables as well as in reports:
- Intergovernmental collaboration on sustainability and energy issues among Michigan local governments
- Energy issues and policies in Michigan local governments
Looking for More?
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact CLOSUP at 734-647-4091 or by email to [email protected]. For resources on local energy issues in Michigan, visit the Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy website
Have any questions?